bilateral kellerberrin

April 14, 2007

Another Keller Blog comes to town

Filed under: keller dailies — Lucas @ 4:33 pm

Check out Pocket in the Sky: Claire Conroy’s blog of her time in Keller as artist in residence!

August 8, 2006

Grain of Night – new Keller Blog…

Filed under: keller dailies — Lucas @ 8:28 am

There’s a new Kellerberrin blog! And it’s bloody great! It’s called “Grain of Night”.

Greg Pryor has been in Keller, doing an art-and-science residency. You can read all his daily posts here:

January 18, 2006

Fire in Kellerberrin

Filed under: keller dailies — Lucas @ 1:47 pm

kellerberrin fire
[click on image to see larger size]
photo by stuart harrison, who travelled through kellerberrin a few days ago.
this is the fire which destroyed the building between pip and dawn’s beautifully renovated ex-bank (to the left) and betties knitting store (to the right.)
if i am not wrong, it was an empty building called legends tea rooms.
The first I heard of it was in this comment from IASKA Amanda.

May 28, 2005

Kellerberrin Saturday 28 May 2005

Filed under: keller dailies — Lucas @ 9:32 am

Here we are, at the start of the last day of the residency. It’s a day just like any of the other days since April 6th. The difference, obviously, is that today at 4pm our exhibition will open. But that is just another event in a period which has been filled with events. There are lots of things to do before 4pm. But there will be no stressing. There will be no worrying, and there will be no racing around like an idiot to try and get everything “finished”. There will only be taking on each task, one at a time, until the tasks, or the time, runs out.

And then there will be further things that happen, but I know what they are yet.

May 27, 2005

Kellerberrin Friday 27 May 2005

Filed under: keller dailies — Lucas @ 10:11 am

It’s 9.35am. Last night I didn’t get to sleep until after four, so this typing is understandably shakey. I stayed up to format all the text from the blog entries, into some sort of printable format. All these pages will be printed out on IASKA’s bubblejet, then photocopied a hundred times on the Pipeline copier. Today, being Friday, is the last day the Pipeline office will be open. So it’s now or never.

May 26, 2005

The Right Side of the Tracks

Filed under: keller dailies,walks — Lucas @ 10:24 am

For the first time ever in Kellerberrin, I was up before eight. When Glen dropped off his nail gun shortly after seven, and I was awake and dressed, waiting for him. What was I going to do now? I couldn’t go back to bed. I decided to go for a walk. So here it is: my expedition to The Right Side of the Tracks.

May 25, 2005

Kellerberrin Wednesday 25 May 2005

Filed under: keller dailies — Lucas @ 10:10 am

In my dream I’m up by the time Glen arrives. He’s come to lend me his air compressor and nail gun. It’s dark outside, and snowing. He taps on the side door and we head out to his truck to get the gear. We sit inside the cab while he taps away at a computer trying to get the co-ordinates right. Each time he clicks on a particular function, another one pops up. It seems to be an ongoing problem. By the time my alarm clock rings (in the real world) the dream-Glen has still not solved his computer issues. I reluctantly drag myself out of bed (it’s 6.50am) and put on some coffee while I wait for the real-Glen to pull up.

May 24, 2005

Kellerberrin Tuesday 24 May 2005

Filed under: keller dailies — Lucas @ 11:02 am

Pipeline day again! And sadly, for me, the last one. I rolled out of bed and trundled down to the Telecentre to see if my classified ad had been accepted. I was worried they’d think it was too trivial for inclusion. But never fear: the Pipeline’s non-editorial policy held firm, and the ad was published as written. (See Sunday 22 May for the ad itself)…

No calls yet though, about those elusive silver buttons.

May 23, 2005

Kellerberrin Monday May 23 2005

Filed under: keller dailies — Lucas @ 10:01 pm

Chris wanted to go back to Old with Style. Last time he was in Keller (April 25), he saw, but did not buy, a small red lacquered table he “needed”. Colin, the proprieter, has a mantra: “If you like it, you should grab it, cos it might not be there next time!” And he was right. Chris had missed out on his table. It’s possible that he then took Colin’s dictum overboard, snapping up a painted-landscape tin table, a lamp with dangly fabric tassles, and the piece de resistance: a whisky decanter that plays “the star spangled banner”.

May 22, 2005

Kellerberrin Sunday 22 May 2005

Filed under: keller dailies — Lucas @ 11:43 pm

Thankfully, a very quiet day yesterday, mainly spent writing in this blog. Egad! How self-referential can you get? Here’s hoping this next week (the final one!) is not ONLY filled with blog damage-control and incessant references to the upcoming exhibition and film screenings.

(By the way, if you want all the details of the show, I have created a new page called “IASKA exhibition info” – click on the link at the right…)

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